Krutek Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Dyskutując czy analizując statki dostępne dzięki DDTC, czasami brakuje (przynajmniej mnie) ich statystyk, pogrupowanych w jednym miejscu. Tutaj jest źródło mojego zestawienia - poukładane wg ras. Dla ułatwienia porównywania statków, posortowałem je klasami. __________M1Argon "Victory" M1 Class Fleet CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 73.8406 [108% of Colossus's] price lowered from MCr. 82.045 to MCr. 73.8406 [108% of Colossus's]Speed: 67.3m/s [far below average]Steering: 0.90 [sl. above average]Shields: 9Shield Type: 1Gj [=9Gj total: above avg.; 50% above Colossus's]Shield Generator: 9,600 [sl. above avg.]Hull: 320k [below average]Hardpoints: 6: Front; R/L/Back; Up/Down.Weapons: 22: Front 6x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL; Back 4x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL; R/L 4x: D_A_UPDO_M7: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,CFA,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,PBC*;Up/Down 2x: D_A_UPDO_M7: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,CFA,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,PBC*. Laser Charge: 93,100 [about 50% above avg]Laser Recharge: 1,027 [3R spec; above avg.]Cargo: 14,100 ST [avg.]Hangar: 96Marines: can carry 20--but not deploy them.Missles: same as Colossus Ocean M1 Class Armored CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 84.289 [105% of Raptor's: above avg]Speed: 88.35m/s [3R spec..still works!]Steering: 6.76rpm [3R]Shields: 4Shield Type: 2Gj [=8Gj total: above average; 2Gj more than Shark's]Shield Generator: 8,200 [15% below Shark's]Hull: 450k [20% above Shark's; same as M2 Ray's = tough!]Hardpoints: 6: Front/L/R/U/D/Back Weapons: 22: Front/L/R 4x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL;Up/Down 2x: Boron M2 UPDO: PAC,HEPT,PRG,CFA,IonD,IonPG,FAA.Back 6x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL;Laser Charge: 106,550 [roughly double Shark's]Laser Recharge: 1,140 [60% greater than Shark's]Cargo: 14,000 XL [3R spec]Hangar: 40 [10% less than Shark's]Marines: 20Missles: same as Shark's “Olympus” M1 class Fleet CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 73.248. [108% of Colossus’s; avg]Speed: 79.2-->112.2m/s [3R spec; fast]Acceleration: 4—6m/s2 [3R spec]Steering: 0.6-->1.1rpm [above avg.]Shields: 8Shield Type: 1Gj [=8Gj total: ~30% above avg.]Shield Generator: 9,200 [avg.]Hull: 345k [above avg; Zeus has 400k]Hardpoints: 6: Front/Back; L/R; U/D.Weapons: 22: Front 6x: D_PAR_M2_RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,EBC,GC,PSG,PBE,IBL,TriBC*,PSPL/R 4x: Teladi M7 L/R: HEPT,CIG,PRG,FBL,IonPG,EBC,FAA,GC,PBE,ISR,IBL;Back 4x: Yaki M7 U/D: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,FBL,PSG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR;U/D 2x: D_PAR_M1_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,PSG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR,TriBC*;Laser Charge: 93,000 [3R spec; almost double Zeus’s]Laser Recharge: 955 [avg.]Cargo: 10,700 XL [avg]Hangar: 45Marines: 20Missles: same as Zeus "G'Quan" M1 Class Fleet CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 92.3174 [115% of Raptor's: above avg]Speed: 93.44m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 5.5m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 1.1rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 9Shield Type: 1Gj [=9Gj total: about 180% avg.]Shield Generator: 9,184 [3R spec; avg]Hull: 400k [above avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front/Back; L/R; U/D.Weapons: 24: Front/Back 6x: D_SPLT_M2_RILE: CIG,PPC,IonC,EBC,FAA,GC,IBL,MAML,PSP,PALC*,G-kyon*;L/R 4x: D_SPLT_M2_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,MD,IonPG,FAA,EBC,ISR,MAML,SSC,A-kyon*,B-kyon*,PALC*; U/D 2x: D_SPLT_M2_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,MD,IonPG,FAA,EBC,ISR,MAML,SSC,A-kyon*,B-kyon*,PALC*.Laser Charge: 64,350 [3R spec; below Raptor's 71,800]Laser Recharge: 1,140 [about same as Raptor's]Cargo: 12,200 ST [above avg]Hangar: 72Marines: 20--but not for boarding opsMissles: same as Raptor Improved Odin Class CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 71.214. [105% of Colossus's; sl. above avg]Speed: 95.6m/s [12.5% greater than Odin's 85m/s]Steering: 1.1rpm [above avg.]Shields: 9Shield Type: 1Gj [=9Gj total: Odin has 10Gj--but the 1Gj shieldtype will have faster recharge time]Shield Generator: 12,500 [50% greater than Odin's]Hull: 205,000 [Odin has 160k]Hardpoints: 6: Front/Back; L/R; U/D.Weapons: 28: Front/Back 6x: DD_TERR_M1_UPDO: EMPC,EEMPC,MAAM,SSC,CFA,PBC*,PALC*,GC,EBC,FAA. Left/Right 6x: DD_TERR_M1_RILE: EMPC,EEMPC,MAAM,SSC,PSP,CIG,PPC,Tractor,IonPG,IonC,EBC,FAA;Up/Down 2x: DD_TERR_M1_UPDO: EMPC,EEMPC,MAAM,SSC,PRG,CFA,PBC*,PALC*,EBC,FAA.please note 2 new TCockpit turret designationsLaser Charge: 147,500 [140% more than Odin's]Laser Recharge: 1,575 [Odin's]Cargo: 14.225k XL [Odin has 12.5k; above avg]Hangar: 42 [Odin has 44]Marines: 20 (?)Missles: same as Odin: Wraith, Poltergeist, Spectre + Dragonfly, Rapier, Wasp, Silkworm, Wildfire, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Beluga, Hammerhead, Typhoon "Eyrie" M1 Class Battle LifterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 78.1448 [115% of Condor's]Speed: 78.3m/s [below avg.]Acceleration: 5--->8m/s2 [avg.]Steering: 0.5-->0.85rpm [average]Shields: 6Shield Type: 2Gj [=12Gj total: [above avg.; 20% above Condor]Shield Generator: 9,600 [above avg.]Hull: 420k [average; less than Condor's 480k]Hardpoints: 6: Front/R/L; Back; Up/Down.Weapons: 22: Front 6x: Teladi M1 L/R: ....; L/R/Back 4x: D_TEL_M2_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,IonD,IonPG,FAA,EBC,GC,PALC*,TBC*,ISR; Up/Down 2x: Teladi M7 UPDO: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,Trctr?,PRG,FBL,IonPG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR. Laser Charge: 68,200 [avg]Laser Recharge: 995 [sl. above avg.]Cargo: 16,110 ST[above avg.]Hangar: 6 M6's Externally (on flight deck) + 48 InternallyMarines: can carry 20--but not deploy them.Missles: same as Condor Musashi M1 Class "Capture Carrier"SpoilerPrice: MCr.90.759 [105% of Zeus's price=sl. above avg.]Speed: 103.4m/s [enables her to escape most big ships]Steering: 0.90 [average]Hull: 300k [below average]Shields: 4 Shield Type: 1Gj [total 4Gj=sl. below average] (1Gj shields recharge rate is about same as 2Gj size = do the math!)Shield Gen (Mw): 8,200 [same as Hoshi's]Turrets (hardpoints): 6 [Front/L/R/Back/Up/Down]Guns: 18 Front 6x: Boron M2RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,IonD,IonPG,IonC,GC,IBL; Back 4x: Yaki M7RILE: HEPT,CIG,MD,CFA,PBC*,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,IBL. L/R 2x: Boron M2RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,IonD,IonPG,IonC,GC,IBL; Up/Down 2x: Yaki M7RILE: HEPT,CIG,MD,CFA,PBC*,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,IBL. LaserEnergy: 53,200 [same as Shuri's]LaserRegen: 800 [same as Shuri's]Cargo: 15,850 XL [waaay above average]Hangar: 30 [Hoshi has 40; Shuri has 60]Marines: 20: M2's complement + BoardingPods Missles: same as Shuri's + Sting, Needle, Thorn "Omega B5" M2 Class Armored DestroyerSpoilerPrice: MCr. 79.67545 [115% of Titan's]Speed: 68.3m/s [average; 10m/s faster than Titan] speed increased from 58.11 to 68.3m/s (to help keep her competitive with Boreas)Steering: 1.2rpm [above average]Shields: 9Shield Type: 1Gj [=9Gj total: sl. above avg.]Shield Generator: 16,416 [3R spec; sl. above avg.]Hull: 580k [average; more than Titan's 500k]Hardpoints: 6: Front/R/L; Back; Up/Down.Weapons: 38: Front/L/R 8x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL; Back 6x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL; Up/Down 4x: D_A_UPDO_M7: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,CFA,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,PBC*. Laser Charge: 306,804 [3R spec; avg]Laser Recharge: 5,355 [sl. above avg.]Cargo: 12,875 XL [avg.]Hangar: 3 externalMarines: can carry 20--but not deploy them.Missles: same as Titan Hammerhead M2 Class "Pocket" CruiserSpoilerPrice: MCr. 51.863 [60% of Ray's: way below avg]Speed: 93.7m/s [3R spec..still works!]Steering: 3.1rpm [3R spec: excellent]Shields: 6Shield Type: 1Gj [=6Gj total: below average]Shield Generator: 9.940 [30% less than Ray's; below avg.]Hull: 315k [30% less than Ray's; below avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front/L/R/U/D/Back.Weapons: 22: Front 6x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL; L/R/Back 4x: Boron M2 Front: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,IBL;Up/Down 2x: Boron M2 UPDO: PAC,HEPT,PRG,CFA,IonD,IonPG,FAA.Laser Charge: 199,040 [20% less than Ray's]Laser Recharge: 2,982 [20% less than Ray's]Cargo: 7,700XL [20% less than Ray's; up from 6,800 3R spec.]Hangar: 3 [3R spec]Marines: 20Missles: same as Ray “Nebulon-B” M2 Class DestroyerSpoilerPrice: MCr. 94.431 [90% of Oddy’s; avg]Speed: 64.7m/s [3R spec; avg.]Acceleration: 2—3.8m/s2 [3R spec]Steering: 0.6-->1.1rpm [3R spec; above avg.]Shields: 10Shield Type: 1Gj [=10Gj total: avg.]Shield Generator: 14,126 [avg.]Hull: 405k [below avg; Oddy has 500k]Hardpoints: 6: Front/Back; L/R; U/D.Weapons: 34: Front 8x: D_PAR_M2_RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,EBC,GC,PSG,PBE,IBL,TriBC*,PSP;L/R/Back 6x: D_PAR_M2_RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,EBC,GC,PSG,PBE,IBL,TriBC*,PSP;U/D 4x: D_PAR_M1_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,PSG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR,TriBC*;Laser Charge: 337,000 [3R spec; avg.]Laser Recharge: 3,955 [below avg.]Cargo: 12,000 XL [above avg]Hangar: 21; plus external docking for 6 ??? CorvettesMarines: 20Missles: same as Oddy "T'Loth" M2 Class DestroyerSpoilerPrice: MCr. 115.75 [125% of Python's: above avg]Speed: 86.95m/s [her 3R speed; much faster than Python's 69.3m/s]Acceleration: 3.2m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 2.3rpm [her 3R steering; VERY handy for an M2]Shields: 8Shield Type: 1Gj [=8Gj total: 33% over Python's 6Gj]Shield Generator: 16,416 [3R spec; above avg]Hull: 360k [below avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front/L/R; Back/U/D.Weapons: 36: Front/L/R 8x: D_SPLT_M2_RILE: CIG,PPC,IonC,EBC,FAA,GC,IBL,MAML,PSP,PALC*,G-kyon*;Back/U/D 4x: D_SPLT_M2_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,MD,IonPG,FAA,EBC,ISR,MAML,SSC,A-kyon*,B-kyon*,PALC*.Laser Charge: 368,076 [3R spec; 10% over Python's]Laser Recharge: 4,969 [Python's]Cargo: 11,500 XL [sl. above avg]Hangar: 14Marines: 20--but not for boarding opsMissles: same as Python "Imperator" M2 Class Star DestroyerSpoilerPrice: MCr. 127.5072. [188% of Colossus's; hugely above avg.]Speed: 67.7m/s [3R spec]Steering: 0.7rpm [avg.]Shields: 9Shield Type: 2Gj [=18Gj total: usual Terr. M2 strength is 12 or 14Gj]Shield Generator: 18,000 [Valhalla's]Hull: 600k [Tyr has 400k; Valhalla 800k]Hardpoints: 6: Front/L/R/Back; U/D.Weapons: 28: Front/Back/L/R 6x: DD_TERR_M1_RILE: EMPC,EEMPC,MAAM,SSC,PSP,CIG,PPC,Tractor,IonPG,IonC,EBC,FAA; Up/Down 2x: DD_TERR_M1_UPDO: EMPC,EEMPC,MAAM,SSC,PRG,CFA,PBC*,PALC*,EBC,FAA,GC.please note 2 new TCockpit turret designationsLaser Charge: 355,000 [M2 level]Laser Recharge: 3,220 [halfway between M2 and M1 level]Cargo: 16,120 XL [huge; above avg]Hangar: 28 [Odin has 44]Marines: 20--but cannot be used for boardingMissles: same as Tyr: Wraith, Poltergeist, Spectre + Dragonfly, Rapier, Wasp, Silkworm, Wildfire, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Beluga, Hammerhead, Typhoon "Thunderbird" M2 Class Heavy DestroyerSpoilerPrice: MCr. 78.1448 [115% of Condor's]Speed: 53.6m/s [below avg.; but faster than Phoenix's 40.7m/s]Acceleration: 2--->3.2m/s2 [avg.]Steering: 0.7-->0.9rpm [average]Shields: 8Shield Type: 2Gj [=16Gj total: [waaaaaay above avg.; 60% above Phoenix's]Shield Generator: 11,100 [above avg.]Hull: 700k [above average; more than Phoenix's 600k]Hardpoints: 6: Front; R/L/Back; Up/Down.Weapons: 34: Front 8x: Teladi M2 Front: ....; L/R/Back 4x: D_TEL_M2_RILE: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,FAA,GC,PALC*,TBC*,IBL; Up/Down 2x: D_TEL_M2_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,IonD,IonPG,FAA,EBC,GC,PALC*,TBC*,ISR;. Laser Charge: 310,000 [avg]Laser Recharge: 3,720 [sl. above avg.]Cargo: 13,000 ST[above avg.]Hangar: 3 Externally Marines: can carry 20--but not deploy them.Missles: same as Phoenix "Daimyo" M2 Class Light Auxiliary DestroyerSpoilerPrice: MCr.99.4037 [115% of Zeus's price=avg.]Speed: 103.3m/s [very fast; enables her to escape most big ships]Steering: 0.7-->1.40 [way above average]Hull: 320k [about 30% below average]Shields: 5 Shield Type: 1Gj [total 5Gj=far below average] (1Gj shields recharge rate is about same as 2Gj size = do the math!)Shield Gen (Mw): 12,800 [avg.]Turrets (hardpoints): 7 [Main; Front; L/R; Back/Up/Down]Guns: 32Main 10x: PPC,PBC*,PALC*IonD,IonPG,IonC,GC,IBL,G-Kyon*;Front 6x: Boron M2RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,IonD,IonPG,IonC,GC,IBL; L/R 4x: Boron M2RILE: HEPT,CIG,PPC,IonD,IonPG,IonC,GC,IBL;Back 4x: Yaki M7RILE: HEPT,CIG,MD,CFA,PBC*,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,IBL. Up/Down 2x: Yaki M7RILE: HEPT,CIG,MD,CFA,PBC*,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,IBL.LaserEnergy: 173,400 [about 1/3 below M2 avg.]LaserRegen: 2,800 [about 40% below M2 avg.]Cargo: 11,650 XL [above average]Hangar: 18 [Hoshi has 40; Shuri has 60]Marines: 20: M2's complementMissles: same as Shuri's + Sting, Needle, Thorn Charon M7 Class Light Flak FrigateSpoilerPrice: MCr. 21.644 [40% below Cerberus's]Speed: 119.89m/s [sl. above average]Steering: 4.6rpm [average]Shields: 2Shield Type: 1Gj [=2Gj total: below average]Shield Generator: 4,100 [25% below Cerberus's]Hull: 170k [sl.above average]Hardpoints: 5: Main; R/L; Down; Back.Weapons: 12: Main 4x: HEPT,CIG,PRG,PBC*,EBC,IonD,IonPG,ISR; Down/R/L/Back 2x: ArgonM7U/D: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,CFA,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA. Laser Charge: 36,400 [about half avg]Laser Recharge: 1,175 [25% below Cerberus's]Cargo: 1,765XL [about 50% avg.]Hangar: 4Marines: can carry 20--but not deploy them.Missles: same as Cerberus "Lamprey" M7 Class Light Capture FrigateSpoilerShe scales to about 50% of vanilla M7 displacement, making her a smaller target, and getting an equivalent spec downgrade. Price: MCr. 41.628 [10% above M7 average; pretty high for a "light" frigate]Speed: 132.73m/s [above average]Steering: 4.85[above average]Hull: 140k [average]Shields: 2 Shield Type: 1Gj [total 2Gj=40% below average]Shield Gen (Mw): 3,300 [40% below average]Turrets/Hardpoints: 6 [Main; Front/L/R/Back/Down]Guns: 14 [Main 5x: BoronM2 RILO (or something similar): ..PPC,GC,IonC; Front 8x: BoronM6Turret: ..CIG,EBC,IonD; L/R 2x: DD-noHEPTfighter: IRE,PAC,EBC,PBE; Down/Back1x: ArgonTL RILO: ...FAA.LaserEnergy: 26,000 [60% below M7 average]LaserRegen: 775[50% below M7 average]Cargo: 2,100XL [40% below average]Hangar: 4 [underwing docking; above average]Marines: 20 + BoardingPodsMissles: same as M7 Thresher “Thetis” M7 Class Light Strike FrigateSpoilerPrice: MCr. 28.677. [70% of Deimos’s; below avg]Speed: 86-->134.3m/s [fast]Acceleration: 8-->13m/s2 [avg]Steering: 2.2-->4.5rpm [above avg.]Shields: 2Shield Type: 1Gj [=2Gj total: below avg.; only a third of Deimos’s]Shield Generator: 8,000 [above avg.]Hull: 225k [above avg; Deimos has 150k]Hardpoints: 5: Main; L/R; Down; Back.Weapons: 18:Main 4x: HEPT,CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,ISR,GC,IBL,TriBC*,PSP L/R 4x: D_PAR_M1_UPDO: HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,PSG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR,TriBC*;Down 4x: Yaki M7 UPDO: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,FBL,PSG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR;Back 2x: Yaki M7 UPDO: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,FBL,PSG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR.Laser Charge: 93,000 [50% more than Deimos’s]Laser Recharge: 1,220 [~35% below avg.]Cargo: 2,220-->3,185 XL [avg]Hangar: 2Marines: 20Missles: same as Deimos'Rakk-M7_1.jpgSplit "Naga" M7 Class Heavy Strike FrigateSpoilerPrice: MCr. 49.2223 [135%% of Tiger's: above avg]Speed: 129.3m/s [6% faster than Tiger; 16% faster than Thresher]Steering: 4.2rpm [above average; sl. more than Tiger's 3.5 or Thresher's 3.5]Shields: 4Shield Type: 1Gj [=4Gj total: above average; same as Tiger's]Shield Generator: 8,300 [above avg.]Hull: 160k [above avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Main; L/R; Back; U/D.Weapons: 19: Main 10x: CIG,PPC,IonC,EBC,MAML,PSP,ISR,PALC*,GC,IBL; L/R 3x: D_SPLT_M7_RILE: HEPT,CIG,MD,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR,PALC*,TBLC*,MAML,SSC,B-kyon*,G-kyon*;Back 4x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon; Up/Down 2x: D_SPLT_M7_UPDO: PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,EBC,FAA,PBE,PALC*,EMPC,MAML,SSC,B-kyon*;Laser Charge: 82,000 [about 60% above M7 avg.]Laser Recharge: 2,132 [above avg.; 15% above Tiger's]Cargo: 5,265 XL [above avg.; 28% above Tiger's]Hangar: 4 InternalMarines: 10--but not usable for boardingMissles: same as Tiger's "Shingen" M7 Strike FrigateSpoilerPrice: MCr. 43.0281. [90% of Kariudo/Akurei's]Speed: 92.3-->137.4m/s [fastest M7 by a hair--over Thetis and Lamprey]Acceleration: 6-->11m/s2 [avg]Steering: 2.2-->3.8rpm [avg.]Shields: 6Shield Type: 1Gj [=6Gj total: above avg.; same as Deimos’s]Shield Generator: 7,880 [20% above avg.]Hull: 185,000 [20% above avg; Deimos has 150k..same as T. Shrike]Hardpoints: 6: Main; Front; L/R; Down; Back.Weapons: 26:Main 8x: CIG,PPC,IonPG,IonC,ISR,GC,IBL,PSG,TriBC*,PSP,PBC*;Front 8x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,MD,PRG,PBE,PBG,EMPC;L/R 2x: D_Yaki M7 RILE: HEPT,CIG,PRG,MD,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBG,FAA,PSG,PBC*,PALC*,TrBC*,a/b/g-Kyon*,SSC,MAML;Down 2x: D_Yaki M7 RILE: HEPT,PRG,MD,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBG,FAA,PSG,PBC*,PALC*,TrBC*,a/b/g-Kyon*,SSC,MAML;Back 4x: D_Yaki M7 RILE: HEPT,PRG,MD,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBG,FAA,PSG,PBC*,PALC*,TrBC*,a/b/g-Kyon*,SSC,MAML;Laser Charge: 68,480 [sl.below avg.]Laser Recharge: 1,600 [~30% below avg.]Cargo: 3,630--->4,670XL [avg]Hangar: 8 [above avg. for non-light carrier type M7]Marines: 20Missles: Wasp, Dragonfly, Silkworm, Hornet, Thunderbolt, Tempest, Hurricane, Typhoon, Firestorm Torp., Hammerhead, Wildfire, Poltergeist, Wraith, Shadow, Flail + Ghoul (Terran M7M anti-fighter missle) "Apache" M6+ Class Heavy CorvetteSpoilerPrice: MCr. 17.964 [above avg.]Speed: 151.93m/s [sl. slower than Hvy.Proto.Centaur]Steering: 4.40 [above avg.]Shields: 5Shield Type: 200Mj [=1,000Mj: above average]Shield Generator: 2,800 [same as Hvy.Cent's]Hull: 84k [about 33% stronger than avg.]Hardpoints(turrets): 4: Front-fixed, L/R, Back (Ithink this is her turret layout).Weapons: 14: Front-fixed 8x: ISR,IonPG,HEPT,EBC,PRG,CIG,IonD,PAC,IRE; L/R 2x: Split M6 Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,EBC,PBE;Back 2x: Argon M6 Back: IRE,PAC,HEPT,MD,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PBG.Laser Charge: 19,800 [20% above Hvy.Proto.Centaur]Laser Recharge: 580 [20% above Hvy.Proto.Centaur]Cargo: 1,350XL [above avg, for M6 class]Hangar: 1 [very unusual]Missles: same as Centaur "Tigerfish" M6+ Class Heavy Flak CorvetteSpoilerPrice: Boron "Tigerfish" M6+ Class Heavy Flak Corvette [150%% of Hydra: above avg]Speed: 139.83m/s [just above H. Hydra's]Steering: 3.60rpm [average]Shields: 6Shield Type: 200Mj [=1,200Mj: 20% above average]Shield Generator: 3,600 [above avg.]Hull: 80k [far above avg.]Hardpoints: 4: Main; L/R; Back.Weapons: 8: Main 4x: IRE,PAC,PRG,IonD,EBC; L/R 1x: Boron TL Front: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA; Back 2x: Boron TL Front: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA; IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,Trctr,PRG,IonD,EBC,FAA. Laser Charge: 16,000 [about same as Dragon's]Laser Recharge: 472 [same as H.Hydra's]Cargo: 1,255XL [above avg]Hangar: 1Marines: 5Missles: same as H.Hydra's "Achilles" M6+ Class Heavy CorvetteSpoilerPrice: MCr. 15.527 [108% over Hvy.Nemesis: above avg]Speed: 168.46m/s [way above average; Hyperion's speed]Steering: 6.80rpm [50% over Nemesis: v. manueverable]Shields: 4Shield Type: 200Mj [=800Mj total: average]Shield Generator: 3,220 [above average]Hull: 80k [above average]Hardpoints: 4: Main; L/R/Back.Weapons: 9: Main 3x: CIG,IonD,IonPG,ISR,PPC,IBL,GC; L/R 2x: Paranid M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,FBL; Back 2x: Argon M6 Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PRG. Laser Charge: 18,000 [above avg]Laser Recharge: 550 [above avg.]Cargo: 1,285XL [above avg]Hangar: 1Marines: 5Missles: same as Heavy Nemesis "Anaconda" M6+ Class Heavy CorvetteSpoilerPrice: MCr. 18.138 [115%% of Hvy. Dragon: above avg]Speed: 166.45m/s [between Dragon's & H.Dragon's]Steering: 4.40rpm [average]Shields: 4Shield Type: 200Mj [=800Mj: average; but higher than Dragon series']Shield Generator: 2,460 [avg.]Hull: 66k [avg.]Hardpoints: 4: Main; L/R; Back.Weapons: 10: Main 4x: HEPT,PRG,MD,EBC,PBE,A-kyon,B-kyon,EBC,EMPC,EEMPC,MAML,ISR,PALsrCannon,PPC,IBL; L/R 2x: SS_COCKPIT_D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon; Back 2x: Argon M7 Back: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,Trctr,PRG,IonD,EBC,FAA. Laser Charge: 18,000 [about same as H.Dragon's]Laser Recharge: 491 [same as H.Dragon's]Cargo: 1,195XL [about avg]Hangar: 1Marines: 5Missles: same as H.Dragon's "Eagle" M6+ Class CorvetteSpoilerPrice: MCr. 18.488 [112% more than H.Osprey's; above avg.]Speed: 116.2m/s [about 10% faster than H.Osprey]Acceleration: 5.976 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 6.0rpm [Springy's; veeeery good for an M6]Shields: 2Shield Type: 1Gj [=2Gj: double H.Osprey's]Shield Generator: 2,900 [H.Osprey's]Hull: 64k [~10% less than Osprey's.]Hardpoints: 4: Main; R/L/Back.Weapons: 14: Main 8x: HEPT,CIG,Repair,PRG,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PBG,ISR,PALC*,TBLC*;L/R/Back 2x: D_TEL_M6: IRE,PAC,HEPT,PRG,EBC,PBE,PBG. Laser Charge: 14,100 [H.Osprey's]Laser Recharge: 423 [H.Osprey's]Cargo: 1,650 XL [above avg]Hangar: 1 Fighter ExternallyMarines: 5Missles: same as H.Osprey's "Naginata" M6+ Class Very Heavy CorvetteSpoilerPrice: MCr. 28.74525 [75% of Deimos's: above avg.?]Speed: 71-->126.8m/s [her 3R speed= still pretty fast for her size]Acceleration: 6-->12.0m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 3.5-->5.5rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 2Shield Type: 1Gj [=2Gj total: far above avg.]Shield Generator: 4,600 [above avg.]Hull: 90k [avg.? for her size]Hardpoints: 7: Main; Front; L/R; U/D; Back.Weapons: 18:Main 4x: HEPT,CIG,PBC*,IonD,IonPG,IonC,ISR,IBL,G-kyon* Front 4x: Boron M6 Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,Repair?,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PBGL/R 2x: Boron M6 Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,Repair?,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PBGUp/Down 1x: Yaki M7 Back: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,IonD,EBC,FAA; Back 6x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon.Laser Charge: 31,550 [avg. for her size?]Laser Recharge: 685 [avg. for her size]Cargo: 1,966--->3,885 XL [her 3R spec; avg. for her size]Hangar: 2 InternalMarines: 5 + Boarding Pods enabledMissles: same as Akurei Hauler + Sting, Needle, Thorn __________M3Argon “Hammer” M3+ Class Very Heavy FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 8.576 [35% above avg.]Speed: 156.22m/s [above average: she's designed to keep up with Rangers & H.P.Centaurs]Steering: 18.22 [extremely far below average; her big engines provide speed w/o manueverability]Shields: 2Shield Type: 200Mj [=400Mj: way above average--like a 'light corvette']Shield Generator: 1,250 [same as Eclipse's]Hull: 24k [massive--almost double Eclipse's]Hardpoints(turrets): 3: Main, * L/R (I removed Back 2x and replaced it with L/R 1x, as her stern engine array severely limits size of rearward firing arc, and would make a turret there look stupid. This will then leave her six very vulnerable to fighters))Weapons: 12: Main 6x: ISR,IonPG,HEPT,EBC,PRG,CIG,IonD,PAC,IRE; Down 4x: D_ALL_IRE: IRE; L/R 1x: Argon M3 Turret: ..IRE,PAC,MD,PRGLaser Charge: 9,600 [20% above avg.]Laser Recharge: 240 [20% larger than Eclipse's]Cargo: 380L [above avg,]Hangar: 0Missles: same as Eclipse, plus: Tomahawk Heavy Missle(an M8-only missle). Dralthi M3+ Class Strike FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 4.488 [75% of Skate's: below avg]Speed: 185.4m/s [3R spec..still works!]Steering: 39.1rpm [3R spec: average]Shields: 3Shield Type: 25Mj [=75Mj: below average]Shield Generator: 820 [30% less than Skate's; below avg.]Hull: 8.15k [20% below avg.]Hardpoints: 2: Main; Back.Weapons: 8: Main 6x: IRE,PAC,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,ISR; Back 2x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG.Laser Charge: 9,600 [23% higher than Skate]Laser Recharge: 225 [15% higher than Skate]Cargo: 220L [3R spec]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Skate Proto YT-2400 “Outrider” M3+ Class Very Heavy FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 11.234. [above avg]Speed: 161m/s [sl. above average]Steering: 17.6 [very far below average]Shields: 1Shield Type: 200Mj [=200Mj: above average]Shield Generator: 1,600 [30% above average]Hull: 24k [about double M3+ average]Hardpoints: 3: Front-fixed, Up/Down.Weapons: 16: Front-fixed 6x: ISR,HEPT,CIG,IonD,PRG,PAC,IRE,PBE,PBG,EBC; Up/Down 4x: IRE.Laser Charge: 9,800 [20% above avg.]Laser Recharge: 285 [35% above avg.]Cargo: 565L [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Medusa + Hammer H.Torpedo. B-Wing M3 Class InterceptorSpoilerPrice: MCr. 2.357 [avg]Speed: 225.39m/s [above average]Steering: 71.6 [high]Shields: 3Shield Type: 25Mj [=75Mj: average]Shield Generator: 950 [above average]Hull: 10.2k [average]Hardpoints: 2: Fixed-front; BackWeapons: 11: Fixed-front 10x: PRG,PAC,IRE,PBE; Back 1x: PAC,IRE.Laser Charge: 7,550 [above avg]Laser Recharge: 185 [above avg.]Cargo: 185M [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Adv. Perseus Cylon Raider, mk2 M3 Class Heavy FighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 3,110,709. [102%% of Mamba Rdr's: avg]Speed: 256.12m/s [just below Adv. Mamba]Steering: 49.32rpm [average]Shields: 2Shield Type: 25Mj [=50Mj: below average]Shield Generator: 715 [same as most other Mamba models]Hull: 6,375 [sl.below avg.]Hardpoints: 2: Main & Back.Weapons: 7: Main 6x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,PRG,MD,EBC,PBE,A-kyon,EBC,EMPC,EEMPC; Back 1x: Split M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PBE. Laser Charge: 6,000 [same as Adv.Mamba]Laser Recharge: 150 [same as Adv.Mamba]Cargo: 198L [below avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Adv.Mamba Enhanced Thor M3 Class Heavy FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 3.637 [above avg]Speed: 234m/s [same as Thor]Steering: 51. [same as Thor]Shields: 5Shield Type: 25Mj [=125Mj: same as Thor]Shield Generator: 1,280 [20% above Thor]Hull: 8,000 [same as Thor]Hardpoints: 3: Front-fixed, Up/Down.Weapons: 11 Front-fixed 9x: EMPC,EEMPC,HEPT,EBC,IonD,PRG,PAC,IRE,PBE,PBG; Up/Down 2x: IRE.Laser Charge: 9,000 [same as Thor]Laser Recharge: 270 [same as Thor]Cargo: 280L [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Thor + Disruptor, Dragonfly, Rapier, Wasp, Silkworm, Wildfire, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Beluga, Hornet, Typhoon. “Gorith” M3+ Class Very Heavy FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 5.848. [92% of Kea’s; sl. below avg]Speed: 83-->140.4m/s [3R spec.; avg.]Acceleration: 17-->30m/s2 [3R spec; avg]Steering: 27-->57.2rpm [3R spec; above avg.]Shields: 6Shield Type: 25Mj [=150Mj total: above avg.]Shield Generator: 1,300 [Enhanced Kea’s; above avg.]Hull: 11.745k [far below avg; Kea’s are in 15-16k range]Hardpoints: 3: Main; Front; Back.Weapons: 11:Main 8x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,IonD,EBC,PBE,PBG,EMPC;Front 1x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG;Back 2x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG Laser Charge: 11,230 [above avg.]Laser Recharge: 200 [Enhanced Kea’s; avg.]Cargo: 189-->302 L [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Enhanced Kea “Darkship” M3 Class Heavy InterceptorSpoilerPrice: MCr. 2.8842. [115% of Falcon’s; below avg]Speed: 97-->179.5m/s [3R spec; waaay above avg. Teladi M3]Acceleration: 19-->39m/s2 [3R spec; avg]Steering: 33.2-->39rpm [3R spec]Shields: 5Shield Type: 25Mj [=125Mj total: above avg.; but far below other Falcons]Shield Generator: 726 [Falcon Prototype’s; above avg.]Hull: 8375k [below avg; most Falc’s in 12k range]Hardpoints: 2: Main; Back.Weapons: 9:Main 8x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,MD,PRG,IonD,EBC,PBE,PBG,EMPC; Back 1x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG.Laser Charge: 4,440 [3R spec; below Avg.; Falc. Proto’s]Laser Recharge: 120 [avg.; Falc. Proto’s]Cargo: 175à207 L [3R spec; below avg & far below other Falc’s]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Falcon Proto "Wakizashi" M3+ Class Very Heavy FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 5.742 [95% of Eclipse M3+'s: avg]Speed: 137.2-->190.4m/s [faster than Tenjin's 182m/s]Acceleration: 16.42m/s2 [avg.]Steering: 15.-->22.6rpm [below avg.]Shields: 4Shield Type: 25Mj [=100Mj total: above avg.]Shield Generator: 1,350 [avg]Hull: 15.458k [above avg.]Hardpoints: 3: Main; Back; Front.Weapons: 11: Main 8x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,MD,PRG,IonD,EBC,PBE,PBG,EMPC,EEMPC,MAAM,A-kyon Back 2x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon. Front 1x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon. Laser Charge: 8,250 [Tenjin's spec; avg.]Laser Recharge: 215 [Tenjin's spec; avg.]Cargo: 330 L [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Yaki Tenjin M3+ “Starfury” M4+ Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 1.787 [sl. over Elite's]Speed: 209.85m/s [just over Enhanced Elite's]Steering: 64.3 [high, reflecting her design]Shields: 2Shield Type: 25Mj [=50Mj: same as both Elite models]Shield Generator: 560 [same as Enhanced Elite's]Hull: 5,600 [below avg.]Hardpoints(turrets): 2: Front-fixed, Back.Weapons: 9: Front-fixed 8x: PRG,PAC,IRE,PBE,MD; Back1x: D_IRE_PAC: IRE,PAC. Laser Charge: 5,625 [20% above both Elite's]Laser Recharge: 90 [20% larger than both Elite's]Cargo: 120L [avg,]Hangar: 0Missles: same as Elite. Bruiser M4 Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 905,529. [below avg]Speed: 178.33m/s [above average]Steering: 38.54 [below average]Shields: 5Shield Type: 5Mj [=25Mj: above average]Shield Generator: 325 [above average]Hull: 6,800k [above average]Hardpoints: 1: Fixed-frontWeapons: 6: Fixed-front 6x: PRG,PAC,IRE,PBE,MD. Laser Charge: 3,600 [above avg]Laser Recharge: 65 [above avg.]Cargo: 130L [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Elite Siren M4 Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 0.681 [85% of Mako Sent's: below avg]Speed: 289.8m/s [3R spec..still works! just above Enhanced Mako's 280m/s: another coincidence?!]Steering: 55.1rpm [new spec: average]Shields: 6Shield Type: 5Mj [=30Mj Total: above average; 5Mj more than Enhanced Mako's]Shield Generator: 209 [Mako's]Hull: 3.463 [3R spec: avg.]Hardpoints: 1: MainWeapons: 6: Main 6x: IRE,MD,PRG,PBE; Laser Charge: 1,943 [3R spec; about 33% less than Mako variants]Laser Recharge: 26 [about half Mako variants]Cargo: 138M [3R spec]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Pike M4+ Spartan M4 Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 1,093,726. [avg]Speed: 247.35m/s [above average; upped from 239.35m/s]Steering: 58.32 [average]Shields: 6Shield Type: 5Mj [=30Mj: above average]Shield Generator: 385 [above average]Hull: 3,600k [average]Hardpoints: 2: Fixed-front; Back.Weapons: 10: Fixed-front 9x: IRE,PAC,PRG,PBE; Back 1x: IRE Laser Charge: 3,400 [above avg]Laser Recharge: 70 [above avg.]Cargo: 96M [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Enhanced Pericles "X-Wing" M4+ Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 1.60885. [115% of Theseus M4+; avg]Speed: 233.7m/s [above average]Steering: 51.2rpm [average]Shields: 2Shield Type: 25Mj [=50Mj: above average]Shield Generator: 585 [above average]Hull: 6.8k [above average]Hardpoints: 2: Front-fixed, Back.Weapons: 5: Front-fixed 4x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,IonD,PRG,PBE,PBG,EBC; Back 1x: D_IRE.Laser Charge: 5,765 [almost M3 level]Laser Recharge: 96 [above avg.]Cargo: 134 L [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Perseus. Cylon Raider, mk1 M4 Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 1,093,726. [98% of Scorpion Sentinel's: avg]Speed: 259.2m/s [above average]Steering: 54.32 [average]Shields: 3Shield Type: 5Mj [=15Mj: above average]Shield Generator: 115 [same as other Scorpion models]Hull: 4,950 [almost M4+ level]Hardpoints: 1: Main.Weapons: 4: Main 4x: IRE,PAC,PRG,MD,PBE,A-kyon,EMPC,EEMPC. Laser Charge: 2,950 [same as Scorp Proto.]Laser Recharge: 75 [same as Scorp Proto.]Cargo: 126M [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Scorpion Prototype "Venom" M4+ Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 1,368,750. [125% Scorpion Sentinel's: avg]Speed: 239.21m/s [above average; 7% higher than Asp's]Steering: 57.82 [average]Shields: 2Shield Type: 25Mj [=50 Mj total: average]Shield Generator: 315 [avg.; about 50% more than Asp's]Hull: 5,650 [avg.]Hardpoints: 2: Main; Down.Weapons: 9: Main 8x: IRE,PAC,PRG,MD,PBE,PRG,EMPC,EBC;Down 1x: SplitM3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PBE.Laser Charge: 2,950 [same as Scorp Proto.]Laser Recharge: 75 [same as Scorp Proto.]Cargo: 168L [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Mamba Advanced Mjolnir Sentinel M4 Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 1,793,726. [sl. above avg]Speed: 244.0m/s [Mjolnir has 275m/s]Steering: 49.9 [same as Mjolnir]Shields: 8Shield Type: 5Mj [=40Mj: Mjolnir has 25Mj]Shield Generator: 425 [Mjolnir has 350]Hull: 4,000k [Mjolnir has 2,800]Hardpoints: 2: Fixed-front; Back.Weapons: 9: Fixed-front 8x: EMPC,EEMPC,PAC,PRG,PBE; Back 1x: IRE Laser Charge: 3,800 [Mjolnir has 2,750]Laser Recharge: 80 [Mjolnir has 68]Cargo: 215M [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Mjolnir + Disruptor, Dragonfly, Rapier, Wasp, Silkworm, Wildfire, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Beluga “Talon” M4+ Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 1.537 [85% of Kite’s; below avg]Speed: 166-->212.3m/s [fast]Acceleration: 47m/s2 [avg.]Steering: 54.5rpm [avg.]Shields: 2Shield Type: 25Mj [=50Mj total: avg.; only half Kite Vgd’s]Shield Generator: 612 [Kite Vgd.’s; above avg.]Hull: 6.225k [above avg.]Hardpoints: 2: Main; Back.Weapons: 7:Main 6x: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,EBC,PBE,EMPC; Back 1x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG Laser Charge: 2,400 [above avg.]Laser Recharge: 91 [Kite Vgd.’s; above avg.]Cargo: 78à110 L [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Kite Vgd. "Y-Wing" M4 Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 0.9122 [..have lost my price list!]Speed: 67.--->163.5m/s [above Kite's. 140m/s]Acceleration: 13.2--->27.9m/s2 [avg.]Steering: 22.7-->54.3rpm [average]Shields: 3Shield Type: 25Mj [=75Mj total: [above avg.; but below Kite's 100Mj]Shield Generator: 850 [same as other V.'s]Hull: 5,200 [above average]Hardpoints: 1: Main.Weapons: 6: Main 6x: IRE,PAC,PRG.Laser Charge: 2,380[avg.]Laser Recharge: 45 [sl. below avg]Cargo: 45-->145 L[avg.]Hangar: oMarines: 0Missles: same as Kite + Hammer Heavy Torp, Tomahawk Heavy Missle "Sai" M4+ Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 1.3243 [105% more than Solano M4+'s: avg]Speed: 137.2-->219.9m/s [3R spec]Acceleration: 23.22m/s2 [3R spec]Steering: 22.-->30.89rpm [3R spec]Shields: 3Shield Type: 25Mj [=75Mj total: 50% better than avg.]Shield Generator: 825 [~50% above avg: Susanowa Proto's spec]Hull: 4.158k [45% below avg.; reflects her dispersed hull structure]Hardpoints: 2: Main; Back.Weapons: 7: Main 6x: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,EBC,PBE,PBG Back 1x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon. Laser Charge: 4,750 [Yaki Tonbo's spec; M4+ avg.]Laser Recharge: 82 [Yaki Tonbo's spec; M4+ avg.]Cargo: 138 L [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Yaki Tonbo M4+ "Shuriken" M4 Class Medium FighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 0.88291 [70% of Solano M4+'s: avg.]Speed: 177.2-->216.2m/s [sl. slower than Sai's]Acceleration: 21.72m/s2 [avg]Steering: 40.-->50.09rpm [avg.]Shields: 4Shield Type: 25Mj [=100Mj total: super-high= OTAS Eurus's spec]Shield Generator: 375 [avg]Hull: 3.855k [above avg.]Hardpoints: 1: Main.Weapons: 6: Main 4x: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,EBC,PBE,FBL,EMPC,EEMPC,A-kyonLaser Charge: 2,750 [avg.]Laser Recharge: 60 [avg.]Cargo: 98 M [avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Yaki Tonbo M4+ "Dartfish" M5+ Class Heavy ScoutSpoilerKestral & Advanced KestralPrice: Cr. 196,045 [180% of Octo Raider's: above avg]Speed: 516.4m/s [very fast; sl. above the Kestral's 489m/s & 501m/s]Steering: 67.1rpm [average]Shields: 6Shield Type: 1Mj [=6Mj: roughly double average; above the Kestral's 4 & 5 Mj's]Shield Generator: 108 [avg.]Hull: 1.85k [about 50% above avg.]Hardpoints: 1: Main. (both Kestrals have a turret)Weapons: 4: Main 4x: IRE,PAC,PRG,PBE.Laser Charge: 2,430 [M4 level]Laser Recharge: 45 [avg for Boron; superior to Kestrals 37 & 39 Mw]Cargo: 98 M [avg.]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Pike Valkyrie Vanguard M5+ Class Heavy ScoutSpoilerPrice: MCr. 74,322 [above avg]Speed: 456.93m/s [Valkyrie has 540.7m/s]Steering: 61.4 [high]Shields: 6Shield Type: 1Mj [=6Mj total: average]Shield Generator: 140 [above average]Hull: 1,100 [average]Hardpoints: 1: Fixed-front.Weapons: 6: Fixed-front 6x: EMPC,EEMPC,PRG,PAC,IRE,PBE.Laser Charge: 2,400 [above avg]Laser Recharge: 52 [above avg.]Cargo: 110M [above avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Valkyrie + Disruptor, Dragonfly, Rapier, Wasp, Silkworm, Tempest "A-Wing" M5+ Class Light InterceptorSpoilerPrice: MCr. 0.32912 [91% of Vulture's]Speed: 167.-->377.5m/s [below avg.]Acceleration: 61.2--->131.9m/s2 [avg.]Steering: 12.7-->54.3rpm [average]Shields: 2Shield Type: 5Mj [=10Mj total: [way above avg.]Shield Generator: 85 [sl. below avg.]Hull: 3,800 [way above average]Hardpoints: 1: Main.Weapons: 4: Main 4x: IRE,PAC,PRG.Laser Charge: 1,800 [way above avg;]Laser Recharge: 32 [above avg.; ]Cargo: 36-->88 M[above avg.]Hangar: oMarines: 0Missles: same as Harrier Cetus mk2 TL Class Heavy TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 25.370 [11% less than Mammoth’s: avg]Speed: 95.6-->130.4m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 3.0-->4.0m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 1.8-->2.5rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 6Shield Type: 200Mj [=1,200Mj total: about 20% above avg.]Shield Generator: 3,465 [her 3R spec]Hull: 90,125 [her 3R hull=below TC avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front/L/R; Back; U/D.Weapons: 10: Front/Back 2x: Argon TL RILE: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,CFA,PBC*,EBC,FAA,IBL;L/R 2x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG; U/D 1x: D_M6_ARG_BOR_FLAK: IRE,PAC,HEPT,PRG,IonD,EBC,FAA,PBG Laser Charge: 18,613 [her 3R spec=sl. above avg.]Laser Recharge: 212 [her 3R spec=sl. above avg..]Cargo: 54k ST [avg]Hangar: 9Marines: 20Missles: same as Cerberus Poseidon TL Class Utility Drone MothershipSpoilerPrice: MCr. 18.9924 [85% of Orca's: below avg]Speed: 75.9-->121.5m/s [her 3R speed reduced from 137.5m/s=still very fast]Acceleration: 5.0-->8.0m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 0.8-->1.1rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 4Shield Type: 200Mj [=800Mj: about 20% below avg.]Shield Generator: 2,800 [her 3R spec]Hull: 85k [far below avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front; L/R/Back; U/D.Weapons: 12: Front 4x: Teladi M6 UPDO: IRE,PAC,PRG,FBL,EBC;L/R 1x: D_M6_ARG_BOR_FLAK: IRE,PAC,HEPT,PRG,IonD,EBC,FAA,PBG; Back 2x: Argon M7 RILE: HEPT,CIG,MD,CFA,PBC*,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA,IBL; U/D 4x: D_IRE: IRE.Laser Charge: 12,000 [avg.]Laser Recharge: 185 [avg.]Cargo: 32.5k ST [below avg]Hangar: 6Marines: 20Missles: same as Orca Acheron TL Class Auxiliary CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 25.664 [10% less than Mammoth’s: avg]Speed: 81.4-->111.1m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 3.0-->5.0m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 0.7-->1.0rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 8 (or 4 400Mj)Shield Type: 200Mj [=1,600Mj total: 200mj above Hercules]Shield Generator: 4,000 [Hercules’s]Hull: 130k [below avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front/Back; R/L; U/D.Weapons: 12: Front 2x: Paranid TL RILE: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,FBL,PSG,FAA,ISR,IBL; Back/L/R 2x: Paranid M7 Back: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,FBL,PSG,EBC; U/D 2x: Teladi M6 UPDO: IRE,PAC,PRG,FBL,EBC.Laser Charge: 30,000 [perhaps 60% above avg.]Laser Recharge: 300 [perhaps 60% above avg.]Cargo: 36,000 ST [her 3R spec; far below avg]Hangar: 19 [her 3R spec; 3x avg.]Marines: 20Missles: same as Hercules Mastodon TL Class Heavy Assault LifterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 42.311 [48% more than Mammoth’s: 50% above avg]Speed: 75.9-->103.5m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 7-->9m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 0.7-->1.0rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 3Shield Type: 1Gj [=3Gj total: about 3x avg.]Shield Generator: 4,800 [above avg]Hull: 255k [far above avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front; L/R/Back; U/D.Weapons: 17: Front 4x: Teladi M7 RILE: HEPT,CIG,PRG,FBL,IonD,EBC,FAA,GC,PBE,ISR,IBL; L/R/Back 3x: Split M7 UPDO: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,EBC,FAA,PBE,ISR; U/D 2x: Split M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PBE.Laser Charge: 62,000 [about M1’s]Laser Recharge: 865 [about an M1’s]Cargo: 36,000 ST [below avg]Hangar: 8Marines: 20Missles: same as Tiger NuuBari “Raven” TL Class Auxiliary CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 71.482 [250% more than Mammoth’s: huge!]Speed: 45.1-->67.7m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 3.0-->5.0m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 0.7-->1.0rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 4Shield Type: 1Gj [=4Gj: 400% above avg.]Shield Generator: 6,800 [her 3R spec]Hull: 280k [about double avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front; R/L; Back; U/D.Weapons: 22: Front 8x: Teladi M6 UPDO: IRE,PAC,PRG,FBL,EBC;L/R 4x: Teladi M7 RILE: HEPT,CIG,PRG,FBL,IonPG,EBC,FAA,GC,PBE,ISR,IBL; Back 2x: Teladi M7 RILE: HEPT,CIG,PRG,FBL,IonPG,EBC,FAA,GC,PBE,ISR,IBL; U/D 2x: Teladi M6 BackTurret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,PRG,FBL,EBC.Laser Charge: 28,000 [her 3R spec; perhaps 60% above avg.]Laser Recharge: 480 [about 50% of an M1’s]Cargo: 64.5k ST [her 3R spec; above avg]Hangar: 26Marines: 20Missles: same as Condor Kyoto TL Class Light CarrierSpoilerPrice: MCr. 37.913 [33% more than Mammoth’s: above avg]Speed: 117.2-->142.6m/s [10m/s less than her 3R speed= still fast as hell]Acceleration: 12-->14.0m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 0.6-->0.8rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 2Shield Type: 1Gj [=2Gj total: about 30% of an M1’s]Shield Generator: 4,800 [her 3R spec]Hull: 120k [25% below avg.]Hardpoints: 6: Front/Back; R/L; U/D.Weapons: 12: Front/Back 2x: Yaki M7 Back: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,MD,PRG,IonD,EBC,FAA; L/R/U/D 2x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon.Laser Charge: 12,250 [her 3R spec; avg.]Laser Recharge: 180 [her 3R spec; avg.]Cargo: 19,500 ST [her 3R spec; far below avg]Hangar: 22Marines: 20Missles: same as Ryu Cotton Tender TS Class Light Military TenderSpoilerPrice: Cr. 789,857. [75% more than Mercury Tanker1's: avg]Speed: 75.6-->112.7m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 1.8-->2.74m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 3.8-->5.18rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 6Shield Type: 25Mj [=125Mj total: above avg. even the smallest Mercury now has 75Mj]Shield Generator: 660 [standard size for many Mercury's]Hull: 30.225k [about 50% more than most Merc's; reflects her designated Military role]Hardpoints: 2: ...can't remember if she's got Main + 1 Turret; or 2 Turrets?Weapons: 4: (Turret) 2x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG;Laser Charge: 2,460 [Buster Vgd's; way above avg.]Laser Recharge: 61 [Buster Vgd's; 700% above avg.]Cargo: 4,540 XL[avg.; bottom-end for Merc line]Hangar: 0Marines: 0Missles: same as Buster Vgd. Electra TS-SF Class Armored SuperfreighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 1,665,199. [95% of Mercury TS-SF#2's: avg.?]Speed: 75.6-->98.46m/s [her 3R speed]Acceleration: 1.8-->2.742m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 2.8-->3.42rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 1Shield Type: 200Mj [=200Mj total: far above avg.; the smallest Mercury now has 75Mj]Shield Generator: 900 [660 is standard size for bigger Mercury's]Hull: 45.725k [about 75% of a Centaur's; reflects her designated Military role]Hardpoints: 4: ...can't remember if she's got Main + 3 Turret; or 4 Turrets?Weapons: 8: ('Heavy' Turrets) 2x: Yaki M6 RILE Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,FBL,EBC,PBE,PBG; (Light Turrets) 2x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG;Laser Charge: 4,500 [Elite's; waaay above avg.]Laser Recharge: 76 [Elite's; waaay above avg.]Cargo: 6,325 XL[her 3R spec; considerably below avg. for TS-SF]Hangar: 1 External Docking Port for fighter [she'll need to be designated as M6 (or TM) for this]Marines: 0 [or 5 if we designate her as M6 class..(or 10 if we give her TM status)]Missles: same as Centaur "Krait" TS Class Military SuperfreighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 6.535 [85% of Dragons' price; pretty darn high for a TSF]Speed: 109.34m/sSteering: 1.20rpm [extremely sluggish for TSF/TM; meant to compensate for her good speed]Hull: 56k [reasonable for her size]Shields: 2 Shield Type: 200Mj [total 400Mj=far above average for TSF]Shield Gen (Mw): 1,200 [same as Banded Krait]Turrets (hardpoints): 5 [front-fixed; L/R/Back/Down]Guns: 18 [Main 4x: BoronM6 Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PBG; L/R/Down 4x: SplitM3Turret: IRE,PAC,PBE,MD; Back 2x: BoronTLFront: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA. LaserEnergy: 6,000 [M3 average]LaserRegen: 85 [M4+ equivalent--peanuts for powering her Flaks..but she's got MD's & EBC's for backup]Cargo: 16,900 ST note 'ST' cargo class [v. roomy; about 200% of Banded Kraits']Hangar: 2 External Marines: 0Missles: same as Split Dragon M6 [heavy hitting] "Egret" TS Class FreighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 0.41912 [104% of Vulture's]Speed: 117.5m/s [3R spec; above avg.; faster than Vulture Proto's 95.4m/s]Acceleration: 1.2--->1.9m/s2 [3R spec.; avg.]Steering: 2.7-->4.3rpm [3R spec.; average]Shields: 4Shield Type: 25Mj [=100Mj total: [above avg.; same as V.Proto's]Shield Generator: 850 [same as other V.'s]Hull: 18,000 [average; below V.Proto's 24k]Hardpoints: 1: Back.Weapons: 2: Back 2x: Argon_M3_Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG.Laser Charge: 1,800 [above avg; above std. Vult. 850]Laser Recharge: 22 [above avg.; Split-level for TS]Cargo: 4,968 XL[3R spec.; avg. for 'basic' TS]Hangar: oMarines: 0Missles: same as Vulture Proto "Egret Superfeighter" TS-SF Class SuperfreighterSpoilerPrice: MCr. 1.7756 [92% of Vulture Superfreighter2's]Speed: 88.13m/s [above avg.; faster than V.SuperF #1's 61.5m/s]Acceleration: 1.3--->1.9m/s2 [3R spec.; avg.]Steering: 2.3-->3.4rpm [average]Shields: 5Shield Type: 25Mj [=125Mj total: [above avg.; above both V. SF's 100Mj]Shield Generator: 1,100 [above avg.]Hull: 28k [above average;]Hardpoints: 2: Front; Back.Weapons: 4: Front/Back 2x: Argon_M3_Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG.Laser Charge: 2,600[avg M4's]Laser Recharge: 40[sl. above M5's avg.]Cargo: 11,225 XL[avg. for SF's]Hangar: 0 [although 1 Externally would be great]Marines: 0Missles: same as Osprey "Basilisk" TP Class Passenger TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 0.93198 [140% of Express's]Speed: 184.8/s [above average; sl. faster than Advanced Express]Steering: 4.87rpm [below average; Express line avg. is 6.8rpm]Shields: 4Shield Type: 25Mj [=100Mj total: above avg.]Shield Generator: 660[3R spec; avg.]Hull: 26.455k [above average; 30% above Adv.Expr.]Hardpoints: 1: Back.Weapons: 2: Back 6x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG. Laser Charge: 1,200 [M5-level]Laser Recharge: 16 [double Adv.Expr.'s]Cargo: 724 L [avg.]Hangar: 0Marines: 10Missles: same as Centaur Koi TP Class CourierSpoilerPrice: Cr. 565,906 [85% of Express's: sl. below avg]Speed: 155.9-->225.5m/s [her 3R speed = very fast]Acceleration: 2.0-->3.56m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 1.8-->3.5rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 2Shield Type: 25Mj [=50Mj: avg.]Shield Generator: 400 [her 3R spec]Hull: 19.652k [avg.; her 3R spec]Hardpoints: 1: Back.Weapons: 1: Back 1x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG. Laser Charge: 200 [avg.; her 3R spec]Laser Recharge: 10 [avg.]Cargo: 850 L [avg.; her 3R spec.]Hangar: 0Marines: 10Missles: same as Hydra Firefly TP Class Atmospheric Light FreighterSpoilerPrice: Cr. 459,463 [90% of Dolphin: sl. below avg]Speed: 85.9-->126.3m/s [= very fast; esp. for Boron]Acceleration: Steering: 5.8-->6.9rpm [pretty nimble for a TS]Shields: 3Shield Type: 25Mj [=75Mj total: avg.]Shield Generator: 722 [her 3R spec]Hull: 17.1k [avg.; her 3R spec]Hardpoints: 2: Main; Back.Weapons: 5: Main 4x: IRE,MD,EBC. Back 1x: Argon M3 Turret: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG. Laser Charge: 818 [avg.; her 3R spec]Laser Recharge: 11 [avg.; her 3R spec.]Cargo: 2,850 XL [below avg.; less than her 3R spec.]Hangar: 1 ExternalMarines: 10Missles: same as Dolphin SuperF 2 "Satyr" TP Class Capture TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 2.397 [pricey for a souped-up TP; worth it?]Speed: 129.3m/s [Scavenger's 3R speed]Steering: 7.1rpm [Scavenger's 3R spec]Hull: 21.836k [Scavenger's 3R spec]Shields: 8 Shield Type: 25Mj=200Mj total ] {waaay over TP--but enough to let her endure a marine drop on a hostile TL or M6} Shield Gen (Mw): 950 [about 50% below TP average]Turrets (hardpoints): 4 [Main; Up/Back] (* the Up turret would need to be added to her model)Guns: 6 Main 2x: IRE,PAC,PRG,HEPT,IonD,EBC,PBE,PBG; Up/Back 2x: ParanidM3Turret: IRE,PAC,FBL.] LaserEnergy: 3,100[M4-ish]LaserRegen: 30 [about M5 average]Cargo: 800L[average]Hangar: 0Marines: 10 No 'pods.Missles: same as Paranid Perseus M3 Cottonmouth YT-1300 TP Class Assault TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 5.028 [M3+ range; ]Speed: 186.53m/s [frickin' Iguana Vgd. fast!]Steering: 16.5rpm[Geocoxxyx's 3R specs: way above average;very nimble for a TP]Hull: 12.065 [up from 3R 6.755k--pretty frail for a TP: compensates for her speed]Shields: 3 Shield Type: 25Mj [total 75Mj=average for vanilla TP--or M3]Shield Gen (Mw): 800 [roughly 20% above TP average]Turrets (hardpoints): 3 [Main; Up/Down]Guns: 12 [Main 4x: BoronM3Main: IRE,PAC,HEPT,PRG,IonD,EBC; Up/Down 4x: DD-IRE-Only: IRE.]LaserEnergy: 4,000 [M4+ average--rougly 10x normal TP]LaserRegen: 55 [M4 equivalent--roughly 15x normal TP]Cargo: 450L [way below average--pretty cramped]Hangar: 0Marines: 10 [but no pods..forcing her to be a low-tech, close-in specialist]Missles: same as Split Chimera M3+ "Amataresu" TP Class TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 1.812 [125% of Hermes Hauler's; above avg.]Speed: 197.5m/s [10m/s less than her 3R speed= still fast as hell]Acceleration: 3.56m/s2 [her 3R accel.]Steering: 3.5rpm [her 3R steering]Shields: 4Shield Type: 25Mj [=100Mj total: her 3R spec; above avg.]Shield Generator: 400 [her 3R spec; far below average]Hull: 32k [sl. above avg.]Hardpoints: 3: Main; Up; Back (?? I think that was it).Weapons: 6: Main 2x: IRE,PAC,HEPT,MD,PRG,IonD,EBC; Up/Back 2x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon.Laser Charge: 2,250 [way above avg.]Laser Recharge: 20 [M5-level; about twice avg.]Cargo: 490 L [her 3R spec; far below avg]Hangar: 0Marines: 10Missles: same as Ryu + Needle, Sting, & Thorn "Banded Krait" TM Class Military Supply TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 6.151 [80% of Dragons' price; astronomcally more than vanilla TM's]Speed: 118.08m/s [very fast for her bulk; sl. 8% faster than Kraits' 109.34m/s]Steering: 1.20rpm [extremely sluggish for TM; meant to compensate for her good speed]Hull: 51.2k [reasonable for her size; about 10% less than Kraits': 8 docking bays reduce hull integrity]Shields: 3 Shield Type: 200Mj [total 600Mj=50% above average for TM; over Kraits' 400Mj]Shield Gen (Mw): 1,200 [same as Krait]Turrets (hardpoints): 5 [front-fixed; L/R/Back/Down]Guns: 18 [Main 4x: BoronM6 Turret: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,PBE,PBG; L/R/Down 4x: SplitM3Turret: IRE,PAC,PBE,MD; Back 2x: BoronTLFront: IRE,PAC,HEPT,CIG,PRG,IonD,IonPG,EBC,FAA. LaserEnergy: 6,000 [M3 average]LaserRegen: 85 [M4+ equivalent--peanuts for powering her Flaks..but she's got MD's & EBC's for backup]Cargo: 7,900XL [small superfreighter sized hold; about 50% of Kraits']Hangar: 8 Internal Marines: 10? (normal TM capacity--for carrying/resupply only) Missles: same as Split Dragon M6 [heavy hitting]Teladi "Osiris" TM Class Heavy Fighter TransportSpoilerPrice: MCr. 3.576 [...]Speed: 98.22m/s [..]Steering: 3.52 [..]Shields: 3Shield Type: 200Mj [=600Mj total: 50% above average--fitting for such a large TM]Shield Generator: 1,450 [..perhaps a little weak for a ship of her size]Hull: 80k [..much heavier than a TM, but less than Osprey]Hardpoints(turrets): 4: Front/L/R/Back Weapons: 8: L/R/Back 2x: Argon M3 Turret: ..IRE,PAC,MD,PRGLaser Charge: 9,300 [..about that of an M3+]Laser Recharge: 120 [..about that of M4+]Cargo: 5,180XL [about 200% avg,]Hangar: 8Missles: same as Osprey Heian TM Class Fighter TransportSpoilerPrice: Cr. 657,233 [50% more than Magnetar TM’s: above avg]Speed: 137.2-->162.2m/s [sl. faster than Chokaro TM; very fast]Acceleration: 12-->14.0m/s2 [...]Steering: 1.9-->2.8rpm [sl. better than Chokaro]Shields: 3Shield Type: 200Mj [=600Mj total: 50% better than avg.]Shield Generator: 925 [Chokaro's]Hull: 18.3k [25% above avg.]Hardpoints: 3: L/R/D.Weapons: 6: L/R/D 2x: D_AKYON: IRE,PAC,MD,PRG,PBE,A-kyon. [note]Laser Charge: 4,750 [Yaki Tonbo's spec; M4+ avg.]Laser Recharge: 82 [Yaki Tonbo's spec; M4+ avg.]Cargo: 1,600 XL [avg]Hangar: 4 Internal; 1 ExternalMarines: 10 (for resupply)Missles: same as Washi Hauler M6 Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Wydawało mi się że linka do statystyk zarówno formie pdf, jak i .xls już podawałem, i tak ładne zestawienie. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Jagoda Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Fajne, fajne, można by to jeszcze troszku spolszczyć i jak by można by było pododawać małe foteczki statków to już całkiem cacy Taki temacik by by całkiem przydatny. Zwłaszcza dla początkujących graczy. Bo wydać przykładowo 70 ml to nie byle gratka. A taki temacik barzooo by ułatwił wybór. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Jagoda Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Grudnia 2009 Jak chcecie to mnie linczujcie że narzekam i w ogóle. Ale moim zdaniem statek Renegade to porażka jeżeli chodzi o osłony. Mach ich mniej niż głupi X-wing co dla mnie jest wielkim nieporozumieniem. Czy ktokolwiek pamięta ucieczkę Sokoła Millenium przez imperialnymi statkami w V części czyli Empire Stricke Back ? Uzbrojenie też słabe ale nie będę się tego czepiał. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
_RA Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Jak bhy dało radę to byście mogli dać zrzuty statków jak wyglądają?? Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 CytatJak bhy dało radę to byście mogli dać zrzuty statków jak wyglądają??A tak rozglądnąć się po forum to nie łaska?Masz kilka zdjęć statków w temacie: Zdjęcia statków z DDTCDo tego kilka razy już podawałem link do strony moda DDTC i tematu na tamtym forum ze zdjęciami statków:ślisz że biblioteka statków DDTC powstanie tak na skinienie magicznej różdżki? Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Krutek Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Małe machanie różdżką i dodano zdjęcia klasy M1. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 CytatMałe machanie różdżką i dodano zdjęcia klasy M1.Ot, i czarodziej się znalazł. Pogratulować różdżki. Brawo. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Krutek Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Mikołaj dodał zdjęcia statków - Boroni i Argoni. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Zmień nazwę Argon Ranger na Apache, tak się nazywa ten statek w grze. Nie ma w grze statku Ranger. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Krutek Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 21 Grudnia 2009 Poprawione, zdjęcia wszystkich statków dodane. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Brak Splickiego M2. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Krutek Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Splicki M2 przylecial na nasze forum. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Nie wszystkie zdjęcia są poprawne, zobacz na Slicki TM Bandet Krait, to nie jest zdjęcie tego statku.A tak przy okazji, to ten TM może mieć zadokowanych 8 statków M5-3. Niezły jest.Brak ziemskiego M6 Longbone. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Krutek Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 CytatNie wszystkie zdjęcia są poprawne, zobacz na Slicki TM Bandet Krait, to nie jest zdjęcie tego statku.Faktycznie, na stronce jest błąd. Trzeba zrobić zdjęcie lub znaleźć w sieci.CytatBrak ziemskiego M6 Longbone. Brak opisu na stronie, zrobie wkrótce na podstawie gry. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 22 Grudnia 2009 CytatFaktycznie, na stronce jest błąd. Trzeba zrobić zdjęcie lub znaleźć w sieci.Na forum DDTC jest poprawne zdjęcie Kraita. Longbona na razie nie ma, po wydaniu wersji 2.0 lista statków i zdjęć ma być uzupełniona. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Jagoda Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Widzieliście statek Magna i jego parametry? No jak dla meni to ten statek jest troszku .... nie ze swojej klasy. Bo jest to TL a może robić za lotniskowca kieszonkowego Jest lepiej uzbrojony od niejednego M6 nie wspominając o M7 nawet mogłabym rzec że śmiało może dorównać M1 lub M2 Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Ale w praktyce się nie sprawdza. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Jagoda Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Nie wiem Yacku nie testowałam go jeszcze. Ale jak by nie było na TL to jest za mocno uzbrojony. Taki mały - Born to Kill Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Krutek Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Autor Udostępnij Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Podobna jest sytuacja z teledianskim TL NuuBari "Raven". Mimo, że parametry statku są świetne, to na 5 skoków jeden mu się udaje, reszta to bliskie spotkania z wrotami i KABUM. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
LeWaR Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 23 Grudnia 2009 Cytat Taki mały - Born to Kill Chyba Boron to kill..... Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Jagoda Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Witam.Wczoraj zakupiłam statek TL Magna. Zazwyczaj w szeregi mojej floty zawsze wchodził Teladiański TL Albatros którego jakoś tak nazywałam DROMADER.Spoiler Jego czterdziestotrzy tysięczna pojemność ładowni w zupełności mi wystarczała. I przyznam się szczerze że ze wszystkich TL wygląda chyba najładniej. A nigdy tez nie miałam takiej potrzeby by wykorzystać więcej jak czterdzieści trzy tysiące ton jego ładowności.No ale po wykonaniu wielu misji dostałam plany w stoczni i postanowiłam kupić TL Magna. NO na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda jak wieloryb jakiś kaszalot no to zawitałam do internetu by zobaczyć jak jest Kaszalot po angielsku....SpoilerSperm WhaleWięc jednak chyba zrezygnuję z nazewnictwa tego statku i chyba jednak zostanę przy Dromader Bo wieloryb - Whale to też za bardzo nie pasi :/. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Gdybyś poczytała dokładnie temat o modzie DDTC, to byś wiedziała, że po wykonaniu kolejnej misji dla stoczni dostałabyś namiary na tego TL-a. Statek byłby Twój za darmo. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Jagoda Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Ależ Yacku Jak mogłabym nie czytać, wiem o tym Ale u mnie jest tak samo z tym darmowym TL jak z porzuconymi TS, M3. Ja ich po prostu nie zbieram nie latam za tym. Jedyna frajdę daje mi zbieranie porzuconego złomu, ale to tylko dlatego że siłą wymusiłam to na pilocie:D Czyli ogólnie rzecz biorą przejmuje tylko te statki które sama wywalczam. SCS mam ustawione na 10% mówię o statkach flagowych. Więc jak uda mi się "eksmitować" takiego gościa z Apache to jestem naprawdę z siebie "zadowolniona" Dlatego też nie chciałam dostać tego statku. Tylko go zdobyć na dwa sposoby :- Zakupienie w stoczni.- Odebranie go siłą porzucenie via fight/abordażPozdrawiam. Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Yacek Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Udostępnij Opublikowano 24 Grudnia 2009 Ale co innego jest zbieranie złomu, a co innego przyjmowanie darmowych statków otrzymanych w nagrodę za wykonanie misji. Chyba widzisz różnice w pojęciach? Cytuj Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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