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Lista plików txt skryptów i modów TC / Lista Alfabetyczna


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

0001-L048.xml - poprawione spolszczenie TC/AP

0004-L048.xml - XRM TC/AP

0010-L048.xml - Bonus Pack 4.1.0 TC / Bonus Pack AP

0241-L048.xml - Time of the Truth/AMT

0300-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

1001-L048.xml - Command Queuing

1142-L048.xml - Dynamic Product Pricing

1143-L048.xml - Dynamic Product Pricing

1172-L048.xml - "Real" Invasion Defence

1241-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

1990-L048.xml - Monster Ships Pack

1991-L048.xml - Monster Ships Pack

2068-L048.xml - Universal Best Buys Sells / Automated Satellite Network

2070-L048.xml - Universal Best Buys Sells

2071-L048.xml - Station Repacker

2073-L048.xml - Automated Satellite Network

2504-L048.xml - Frontier Wars

3142-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3143-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3144-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3145-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3146-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3245-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3246-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3247-L048.xml - TranscendII oraz Time of the Truth

3248-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3250-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3251-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3254-L048.xml - Time of the Truth

3260-L048.xml - AMT

3500-L048.xml - XRM TC/AP

3441-L048.xml - Mobile Ship Repair + Jump to me

3442-L048.xml - Free Jump

3443-L048.xml - Marine Training Manager

3500-L048.xml - CMOD4

3577-L048.xml - Scorp Maps poprawione tłumaczenie

5853-L048.xml - Bulk Transporter Upgrade

7000-L048.xml - Community Configuration Menu

7004-L048.xml - Ranks for Xenon, Kha'ak, Pirates and Yaki

7005-L048.xml - TranscendII

7006-L048.xml - UTProfit

7027-L048.xml - XRM TC/AP

7034-L048.xml - Follow me

7074-L048.xml - Salvage Claim Software MkI

7090-L048.xml - Numeric Race Rank Titles

7100-L048.xml - Explorer Command Extension (Auto explore i Deploy Satellite Network)

7101-L048.xml - NPC Bailing Addon

7102-L048.xml - Salvage Commands & NPC

7103-L048.xml - Manual Trade Extension

7104-L048.xml - Auto prepare ship

7105-L048.xml - Ship killed notifications

7106-L048.xml – Invasion warnings

7107-L048.xml - Military Base Response

7125-L048.xml - Rescure Princess

7233-L048.xml - Capture Stations

7234-L048.xml - Auction services

7239-L048.xml - Bribe A Pilot

7240-L048.xml - Property Baron

7277-L048.xml - Debris Repair and Utilization

7337-L048.xml - Hephaistos Corp. - Station building service

7352-L048.xml - Sector Takeover by linus_org

7401-L048.xml - ShipLoot

7407-L048.xml - Statistic Centre

7410-L048.xml - Sector Takeover by Trickmov

7539-L048.xml - Advanced Navigation Software / Advanced Jumpdrive

7540-L048.xml - Advanced Thruster Control

7556-L048.xml - Salvage Insurance Contract

7575-L048.xml - Battlestar Galactica Ships

7600-L048.xml - Galaxy Explorer

7777-L048.xml - Improved Races 2.0

7782-L048.xml - Time Based Autosave

7811-L048.xml – Pirate Fence

7902-L048.xml - Kha'ak Invasion/Kha'ak Invasion 1.2

7904-L048.xml - Masive set home base

7906-L048.xml - Race Invasions

7907-L048.xml - Race Invasions

7908-L048.xml - Race Invasions

7909-L048.xml - Race Invasions

7910-L048.xml - Race Invasions

7911-L048.xml - Race Invasions

7999-L048.xml - ADAMS ITT

8000-L048.xml - Comercial Agent

8001-L048.xml - Commodity Logistics Software

8002-L048.xml - Missile Defense Mosquito (obrona antyrakietowa Moskito)

8004-L048.xml - Dockware Manager

8005-L048.xml - Economy and Supply Trader

8006-L048.xml - Prospector

8010-L048.xml - Military Transport 3.1.06

8012-L048.xml - Security and Rescue Service

8013-L048.xml - Biblioteka Plików v.3.4.04 wymagana przy Military transport, CODEA 3.1.07, MEFOS Version 3.1.01, Comercial Agent

8014-L048.xml - CODEA System uzbrojenia X3TC V3107

8015-L048.xml - Personel Transport

8017-L048.xml - MEFOS System uzbrojenia

8018-L048.xml - Jump Beacon

8019-L048.xml - Brennans Triumph Tortuga

8031-L048.xml - Basic Salary

8091-L048.xml - Asteroid Relocator

8103-L048.xml - Ship Browser

8222-L048.xml - Transfer Freight via Drones MK II

8300-L048.xml - TIS Teladi Information Servise

8303-L048.xml - Trade Overview

8316-L048.xml – Cargo Delivery Service

8384-L048.xml - Phanon Corporation

8370-L048.xml - Marauder Shipyard

8371-L048.xml - Traveling mechanic

8372-L048.xml - TranscendII - od wersji 1.6 nie używane

8385-L048.xml - Revelation

8387-L048.xml - XRM TC/AP

8411-L048.xml - Assets summary

8412-L048.xml - Display Ranks

8444-L048.xml - Asteroid Creator

8500-L048.xml - Weapons Quickswap

8501-L048.xml - Marine Repairs

8502-L048.xml - Sensor Suite

8510-L048.xml - Anarkis Defense System

8511-L048.xml - Extended Communication System

8512-L048.xml - Wars: Argon/Boron vs Paranid/Split

8513-L048.xml - Pirate Guild

8514-L048.xml - Yaki Armada

8515-L048.xml - Kha'ak Patrols

8516-L048.xml - LazCorp Crystal Free Solar Power Plant

8771-L048.xml - Taxi Logistics Software

8772-L048.xml - Extendent Trade Commands Software

8773-L048.xml - Blacklist Manager

8802-L048.xml - Enhanced Combat Commands

8804-L048.xml - Race Response Fleet

8809-L048.xml - Insurance

8822-L048.xml - Upgrade Kits

8828-L048.xml – Dock TS

8841-L048.xml - Jumpgate Construction Technology

8845-L048.xml - Factory Complex Constructor

8846-L048.xml - Escape Pods

8847-L048.xml - Global Friend Foe

8850-L048.xml - DDTC

8875-L048.xml - LazCorp Claim Sector / Unknown Sector

8880-L048.xml - T.U.B.S Teladi Universe Banking Systems

8886-L048.xml - Player Shipyard

8888-L048.xml - New Horizons

8899-L048.xml - Extended Mod Pack

8910-L048.xml - LibChemStrings

8972-L048.xml - Improved Races

8973-L048.xml - Security Services

8980-L048.xml - Change Notoriety Growth Rates - Slow Notoriety by Wercho

8981-L048.xml - Ranking Dial

8983-L048.xml - Ware Blueprint Manager

9000-L048.xml - Gateles Jumpgate

9001-L048.xml - CorpsPassiveMarineTrainer/Ship Labor and Maintenance

9051-L048.xml - Custom Start

9110-L048.xml - Marking Unknown Sectors

9111-L048.xml - Random Sectors Management

9200-L048.xml - Automatic Moneytransfer

9333-L048.xml - Lost Colony

9400-L048.xml - XRM TC/AP

9450-L048.xml - Achievement Guild

9500-L048.xml - Galactic News Service

9510-L048.xml - Dedicated Assistant Drones (DAD)

9521-L048.xml - Convert Passenger to Marine

9550-L048.xml - WorkShop

9600-L048.xml - Turbo Booster

9601-L048.xml - Satelite Early Warning Network

9602-L048.xml - Winghotkey

9603-L048.xml - Salvage Claim Software

9604-L048.xml - Improved Boarding

9605-L048.xml - Equipment Research and Developmen

9607-L048.xml - Advanced Navigation Software

9614-L048.xml - Station Camper

9910-L048.xml - Logain Industries Freight Distribution Network

9911-L048.xml - Logain Industries Strategic Sector Defence Network

9912-L048.xml - Logain Industries Light Support Drone Carrier

9913-L048.xml - Logain Industries Production Modules

9914-L048.xml - Logain Industries Capital Ship Energy Cell Generator

9915-L048.xml - Logain Industries Unified Menu

9916-L048.xml - Logain Industries Global Production Report

9950-L048.xml - XRM TC/AP

9951-L048.xml - Cadius Shippack / XRM TC/AP

9970-L048.xml - CMOD4

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Lista alfabetyczna przetłumaczonych skryptów:


Achievement Guild - 9450-L048.xml

ADAMS ITT - 7999-L048.xml

Advanced Navigation Software - 9607-L048.xml

Advanced Navigation Software / Advanced Jumpdrive - 7539-L048.xml

Advanced Thruster Control - 7540-L048.xml

Albion Prelude - 0001-L048.xml

AMT - 0241-L048.xml

AMT - 3260-L048.xml

Anarkis Defense System - 8510-L048.xml

Assets summary - 8411-L048.xml

Asteroid Creator - 8444-L048.xml

Asteroid Relocator - 8091-L048.xml

Auction services - 7234-L048.xml

Auto prepare ship - 7104-L048.xml

Automated Satellite Network - 2073-L048.xml

Automatic Moneytransfer - 9200-L048.xml


Basic Salary - 8031-L048.xml

Battlestar Galactica Ships - 7575-L048.xml

Biblioteka Plików v.3.4.04 wymagana przy Military transport, CODEA 3.1.07, MEFOS Version 3.1.01, Comercial Agent - 8013-L048.xml

Blacklist Manager - 8773-L048.xml

Bonus Pack 4.1.0 TC - 0010-L048.xml

Bonus Pack AP - 0010-L048.xml

Brennans Triumph Tortuga - 8019-l048.xml

Bribe A Pilot - 7239-L048.xml

Bulk Transporter Upgrade - 5853-L048.xml


Cadius Shippack - 9951-L048.xml

Capture Stations - 7233-L048.xml

Cargo Delivery Service - 8316-L048.xml

Change Notoriety Growth Rates - Slow Notoriety by Wercho - 8980-L048.xml

CMOD4 - 3500-L048.xml

CMOD4 - 9970-L048.xml

CODEA System uzbrojenia X3TC V3107 - 8014-L048.xml

Comercial Agent - 8000-L048.xml

Command Queuing - 1001-L048.xml

Commodity Logistics Software - 8001-L048.xml

Community Configuration Menu - 7000-L048.xml

Convert Passenger to Marine - 9521-L048.xml

CorpsPassiveMarineTrainer/Ship Labor and Maintenance - 9001-L048.xml

Custom Start - 9051-L048.xml


DDTC - 8850-L048.xml

Debris Repair and Utilization - 7277-L048.xml

Dedicated Assistant Drones (DAD) - 9510-L048.xml

Display Ranks - 8412-L048.xml

Dock TS - 8828-L048.xml

Dockware Manager - 8004-L048.xml

Dynamic Product Pricing - 1142-L048.xml

Dynamic Product Pricing - 1143-L048.xml


Economy and Supply Trader - 8005-L048.xml

Equipment Research and Developmen - 9605-L048.xml

Enhanced Combat Commands - 8802.L048.xml

Escape Pods - 8846-L048.xml

Explorer Command Extension (Auto explore i Deploy Satellite Network) - 7100-L048.xml

Extended Communication System - 8511-L048.xml

Extended Mod Pack - 8899-L048.xml

Extendent Trade Commands Software - 8772-L048.xml


Factory Complex Constructor - 8845-L048.xml

Follow me - 7034-L048.xml

Free Jump - 3442-L048.xml

Frontier Wars - 2504.xml


Galactic News Service - 9500-L048.xml

Galaxy Explorer - 7600-L048.xml

Gateles Jumpgate - 9000-L048.xml

Global Friend Foe - 8847-L048.xml


Hephaistos Corp. - Station building service - 7337-L048.xml


Improved Boarding - 9604-L048.xml

Improved Races - 8972-L048.xml

Improved Races 2.0 - 7777-L048.xml

Insurance - 8809-L048.xml

Invasion warnings - 7106-L048.xml


Jump Beacon - 8018-L048.xml

Jumpgate Construction Technology - 8841-L048.xml


Kha'ak Invasion/Kha'ak Invasion 1.2 - 7902-L048.xml

Kha'ak Patrols - 8515-L048.xml


LazCorp Claim Sector / Unknown Sector - 8875-L048.xml

LazCorp Crystal Free Solar Power Plant - 8516-L048.xml

LibChemStrings - 8910-L048.xml

Logain Industries Capital Ship Energy Cell Generator - 9914-L048.xml

Logain Industries Freight Distribution Network - 9910-L048.xml

Logain Industries Global Production Report - 9916-L048.xml

Logain Industries Light Support Drone Carrier - 9912-L048.xml

Logain Industries Production Modules - 9913-L048.xml

Logain Industries Strategic Sector Defence Network - 9911-L048.xml

Logain Industries Unified Menu - 9915-L048.xml

Lost Colony - 9333-L048.xml


Manual Trade Extension - 7103-L048.xml

Marauder Shipyard - 8370-L048.xml

Marine Repairs - 8501-L048.xml

Marine Training Manager - 3443-L048.xml

Marking Unknown Sectors - 9110-L048.xml

Masive set home base - 7904-L048.xml

MEFOS System uzbrojenia - 8017-L048.xml

Military Base Response - 7107-L048.xml

Military Transport 3.1.06 - 8010-L048.xml

Missile Defense Mosquito (obrona antyrakietowa Moskito) - 8002-L048.xml

Mobile Ship Repair + Jump to me - 3441-L048.xml

Monster Ships Pack - 1990-L048.xml

Monster Ships Pack - 1991-L048.xml


New Horizons - 8888-L048.xml

NPC Bailing Addon - 7101-L048.xml

Numeric Race Rank Titles - 7090-L048.xml


Personel Transport - 8015-L048.xml

Phanon Corporation - 8384-L048.xml

Pirate Fence - 7811-L048.xml

Pirate Guild - 8513-L048.xml

Player Shipyard - 8886-L048.xml

poprawione spolszczenie TC - 0001-L048.xml

Property Baron - 7240-L048.xml

Prospector - 8006-L048.xml


Race Invasions - 7906-L048.xml

Race Invasions - 7907-L048.xml

Race Invasions - 7908-L048.xml

Race Invasions - 7909-L048.xml

Race Invasions - 7910-L048.xml

Race Invasions - 7911-L048.xml

Race Response Fleet - 8804-L048.xml

Random Sector Management - 9111-L048.xml

Ranking Dial - 8981-L048.xml

Ranks for Xenon, Kha'ak, Pirates and Yaki - 7004-L048.xml

Real Invasion Demence - 1172-L048.xml

Rescure Princess - 7125-L048.xml

Revelation - 8385-L048.xml


Salvage Claim Software - 9603-L048.xml

Salvage Claim Software MkI - 7074-L048.xml

Salvage Commands & NPC - 7102-L048.xml

Salvage Insurance Contract - 7556-L048.xml

Satelite Early Warning Network - 9601-L048.xml

Scorp Maps poprawione tłumaczenie - 3577-L048.xml

Sector Takeover by linus_org - 7352-L048.xml

Sector Takeover by Trickmov - 7410-L048.xml

Security and Rescue Service - 8012-L048.xml

Security Services - 8973-L048.xml

Sensor Suite - 8502-L048.xml

Ship Browser - 8103-L048.xml

Ship killed notifications - 7105-L048.xml

ShipLoot - 7401-L048.xml

Station Camper - 9614-L048.xml

Station Repacker - 2071-L048.xml

Statistic Centre - 7407-L048.xml


Taxi Logistics Software - 8771-L048.xml

Time Based Autosave - 7782-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 0241-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 0300-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 1241-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3142-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3143-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3144-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3145-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3146-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3245-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3246-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3247-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3248-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3250-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3251-L048.xml

Time of the Truth - 3254-L048.xml

TIS Teladi Information Servise - 8300-L048.xml

Trade Overview - 8303-L048.xml

TranscendII - 3247-L048.xml

TranscendII - 7005-L048.xml

TranscendII - od wersji 1.6 nie używane - 8372-L048.xml

Transfer Freight via Drones MK II - 8222-L048.xml

Traveling mechanic - 8371-L048.xml

T.U.B.S Teladi Universe Banking Systems - 8880-L048.xml

Turbo Booster - 9600-L048.xml


Universal Best Buys Sells - 2070-L048.xml

Universal Best Buys Sells / Automated Satellite Network - 2068-L048.xml

Upgrade Kits - 8822-L048.xml

UTProfit - 7006-L048.xml


Ware Blueprint Manager - 8983-L048.xml

Wars: Argon/Boron vs Paranid/Split - 8512-L048.xml

Weapons Quickswap - 8500-L048.xml

Winghotkey - 9602-L048.xml

WorkShop - 9550-L048.xml


XRM TC/AP - 0004-L048.xml

XRM TC/AP - 3500-L048.xml

XRM TC/AP - 7027-L048.xml

XRM TC/AP - 8387-L048.xml

XRM TC/AP - 9400-L048.xml

XRM TC/AP - 9950-L048.xml

XRM TC/AP - 9951-L048.xml


Yaki Armada - 8514-L048.xml

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